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Name «Denys»

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З Днем Народження, Денисе!

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Пестливі та зменшувальні імена в кличному

Пестливе Кличний
Дениска Дениско
Ден Дене
Деня Дене
Денюся Денюсе
Дьоша Дьошо


Diagram popularity of the name Denys in the country

  • Close to 2.32% men has a name Denys
  • Up to 340000 bearers of the name in Ukraine
  • In 1993 the most were named boys with name Denys
  • Popularity is gradually increasing
  • The name is most popular in the period from 1991 year to 1994

Dictionary meaning

The Slavic name that comes from the Greek Dionysios and means "dedicated," "belonging to the god of winemaking and merriment, Dionysus."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Denys," follow these tips:

1. Start with a soft "De" sound:
- The "Д" (D) should sound like the "d" in "dog."
- The "е" (e) is pronounced like "eh" in "let," resulting in "Deh."

2. Next, the "ни" (nys):
- The "н" (n) is pronounced like "n" in "no."
- The "и" (y) sounds like the "i" in "sick," giving you "nys."

3. Finish with a clear "s":
- The "с" (s) is pronounced like "s" in "sad."

Putting it all together, "Denys" is pronounced "Deh-nys," making sure to soften the "y" sound slightly in the second syllable.

English transliteration


Variations of name Denys

Дениска, Ден, Деня, Денюся, Дьоша

Patronymic Creation




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Famous and successful with the name Denys

Images with name

Images with name Denys
З Днем Народження, Денисе!

Products with name Denys

2 songs with name mentions Denys

У гості йде свято

Щасливо всміхнуся, хоч серце тріпоче,
Незвичне і тепле якесь відчуття,
А братик Дениско на вушко шепоче:
Ти стала на стежку шкільного життя!

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У Горпини іменини

Дід Микола - пепсі-колу,
Дід Баймак - у торбі мак,
Дід Денис... себе приніс -
От нарешті всі зійшлись!
У Горпини іменини -

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