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Name «Chornobyl»


Dictionary meaning

Chornobyl is a Slavic personal name that originated from the toponym Chornobyl, located in the Kyiv region. This toponym is mentioned in sources as early as 1193 and 1493, as well as in other documents up to the present day.According to T. B. Lukinova's hypothesis, outlined in the collective monograph "Kyiv Polissia" (Kyiv, 1989, pp. 175-181), the toponym Chornobyl may have been formed from the personal name Chyornobyl. This occurred similarly to other Slavic personal names such as Radobyl, Drahobyl, Nedabyl, by adding the ancient possessive suffix *-jb to them. Other onomastics specialists (experts in names) also agree with this direction.

English transliteration




2 songs with name mentions Chornobyl


Димом, порохами поміж реп'яхами,
Дихає Чорнобиль нашими гріхами.
Ті зреклися мови, ті зреклися роду.
Отака історія рідного народу.

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Чорнобильські Мадонни

Що в недузі, в хворобі,
Що впало на них
Люте лихо - Чорнобиль!
Ми живі, здорові,
Вони ж завмирають,

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