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Name «Bronyslav»

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З Днем Народження, Брониславе!


Dictionary meaning

The ancient Slavic (genetically Polish) dual-based male name Bronisław is formed from the incomplete vowel verb bronić, which means "to defend, to protect," in the imperative form of the verb and the noun slava (glory). According to Jan Grzeński, the name Bronisław initially referred to a person who had to defend, that is, protect, glory and fight for it. In Poland, this name is first mentioned in 1232, and more than 96 thousand people with this name currently live in Poland. Among Czechs, Slovaks, and South Slavs, it corresponds to the variant Branislav.

Ukrainians began to use the name Bronisław and its derivatives only from the 16th century, and this name was mainly popular in Galicia, Podillia, Volhynia, and Podlachia, that is, in territories of present-day Poland. For example, there is a record from 1594 about Bronisław from the town of Kremenets. However, it did not gain high popularity among Ukrainians: in the 1938 census of 509 students at the Peremyshl Ukrainian Gymnasium, there were only two boys named Bronisław.

English transliteration


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З Днем Народження, Брониславе!