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Name «Bretsko»


Dictionary meaning

The name Bretsko originates from the surname Bretsko, which has been used since the 17th century in the Volovets region and in Prykarpattia. For example, records from 1668 mention the serf Yurko Bretsko from the village of Latirka (Maksay 541), and in 1772, the juror Petro Bretsko from the same village (Udvary2 ZOI). In Poland, the anthroponym Brzeczka has been recorded since 1441 (SSNO I 262) and is a variant of the name Bretsko. This name arose from an older two-root name, such as Bzhenchy slav (Mal Bud 71; Mal Star 76) or the Ukrainian Bryachyslav. The origin of the name is connected to the verb "bryazchaty," which means "to jingle."

English transliteration


