The name Bony is currently unused in Ukraine, but in the 16th century, particularly in southern Transcarpathia, several derivative surname names Bony and Bonna were mentioned. For example, in 1575, Bony refers to the village of Trosnik, and Boncha to the village of Shalanky. For the name Bony, two interpretations are acceptable: a) It is a Croatian or Serbian hypocoristic name Boni, Bono, which relates to full names such as Bohdan, Bohomir, Boyan, Boyanislav, Bozhidar, etc.; b) It may also be a Croatian hypocoristic name Boni or Bono, corresponding to the hybrid (Slavic-Italian) double-root male name Bonyislav or Bonifaci, where the prepositional component is the Italian adjective bono meaning 'good', and the postpositional component is the Slavic noun -slav.