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Name «Bolekh»


Dictionary meaning

The Slavic name "Bolekh" is embedded in the name of the city of Bolekhiv, located in the Dolyna District of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Its origins may be connected to the names Bolezhir, Boleslav, or Bolestrian (according to Kripyak GVK). It is also worth mentioning the name of the village Bolekhiv (Bolechow) in the Lviv region, which is mentioned in documents from 1472 (AGZ VII 127), as well as the village recorded in Polish as Bołochowce, near the city of Przemyśl, from the year 1500 (AGZ XVIII 2791). The modern microtoponym Bulekhovo is part of the village of Krajnikova in the Khust District of the Zakarpattia Oblast.The earliest mentions of the city Bolekhiv in the Dolyna District of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (Bolechow) date back to 1472 (AGZ VII 127) and 1481 (AGZ XV 1402 - for more details see Gaborak "Names" 23).

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Bolekh

В дев'ятсот штирнастім році

Високії ті могили, де могло спочити
Стрілецькеє біле тіло, ранами покрите.
В Болехові товаришки тяжко воювали,
[В] товаришки Степанівни вже волю забрали.
Тоги стрільці-українці ревно заплакали,

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