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Name «Bohukhval»


Dictionary meaning

Bohukhval is a Slavic masculine two-root name, consisting of the noun "bog" (meaning 'wealth, happiness, fate') in the dative case and the noun "-khval(a)." The meaning of this name is similar to that of the name Bohuslav. According to T. Milevsky, the name is a direct borrowing from Middle Persian, where "Baga-farme" means 'glorious before God.' Most Ukrainian records of this name date back to the 16th century. For example, in 1514, mentions include: Bohukhval Dmitrievich, Bogufal Tur. The patronymic Bohukhvalovich has been known since 1500. In Poland, the first records of the name Boguchwał, Bogufal date back to the early 13th century (1265: Bogufal confrater).

English transliteration




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