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Name «Bohomyr»


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    Dictionary meaning

    The name 'Bohomyr' has Ukrainian roots and consists of two components: 'Boh' and 'myr'. The original meaning of this name can be interpreted as 'peace from God'. This name has analogues in other Slavic languages, such as the Croatian name Vodotig and the Bulgarian name Bogomir.There are historical mentions of this name, including a record from 1523, which documents a serf named Vadateg in the village of Owvar in the Szatmár county. There are also references to the toponym Vadateg in the northern part of the Bihor county from 1416 and a record from 1403 about Vadateg telke in the Somogy county. These records indicate the prevalence of names and titles associated with this root in various historical contexts.

    English transliteration


