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Name «Bohdanko»


Dictionary meaning

Bohdanko is a Ukrainian diminutive masculine name formed by adding the diminutive suffix -ko to the two-root name Bohdan. The first mention of this name dates back to 1353, when the nobleman Bohdanko Voitytsky was recorded in the city of Peremyshl. In the environment of the Zaporozhian Cossacks, Lavrin Bohdanko was also mentioned in 1649. The name Bohdanko was used not only in Ukraine but also in Belarus.

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1 songs with name mentions Bohdanko

Ой хто в тому лісі

А Іванко каже: "Я Ірисю люблю.
Я Ірисю люблю – черевички куплю!"
А Богданко каже: "Я Оксанку люблю.
Я Оксанку люблю – і перстенець куплю!"
А Андрійко каже: "Я Світланку люблю.

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