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Name «Blaho»


Dictionary meaning

The name "Blaho" is a truncated version of the Old Slavic compound names such as Blaholyub, Blahomir, Blahoslav. The prepositional component of this name expresses the concept of "good." This view is shared by Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Czechs, and other Slavs, where its anthropo-base "blag" has been known since the Proto-Slavic era to the present day.Some believe that the name "Blaho" (more specifically, its full variant "Blahoslav") is a calque of the Latin name "Benedictus." In Ukraine, the name "Blaho" has never been popular, but the anthropo-base "blag" served as the foundation for several surnames in Transcarpathia, such as Blaha, Blahodaty, as well as the surname Blahodar in other regions.

English transliteration




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4 songs with name mentions Blaho

Спи, Ісусе, спи

Сни про Небо сни!
Слава Богу в вишних буди, |
На Земли Мир, Благо людям! |(2)
Спи Ісусе, спи Маленький, |
Спи, Серденько, спи. |

Спи, Ісусе, спи

Сни про Небо сни!
Слава Богу в вишних буди, |
На Земли Мир, Благо людям! |(2)
Спи Ісусе, спи Маленький, |
Спи, Серденько, спи. |

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Миру дай, Господь, моїй землі

Прославлений! Прославлений!

Благом хай наповниться земля
Й Твоїм добром,
Ти покрий її, благаю я,

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Славень Христові

Сяйво могутнє з'явила блакить,
Благо й свободу народам вістить!

Слався навіки, слово Христа!

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Але ще важче щодня сльози лити...
Я так боялась себе загубити,
Благо, я жива і уже сама!..


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