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Name «Bilozir»


Dictionary meaning


Bilozir is a Slavic household name that Ukrainians would give to a child with white, or light, eyes. This name is formed from the indeclinable adjective "bil" and the noun "zor" with the connecting vowel "o." However, it is possible that the name was derived from the existing appellative "bilozir," which means 'handsome' or 'an epithet for a falcon.'

Today, Ukrainians no longer use this name in its traditional function, but it is used as a surname. Additionally, "bilozir" is the name of a plant, and the derivative "bilozirina" serves as the name of a village in the Nadvirna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region. The anthroponym "Bilozir" is also known among Belarusians, while "Bialozorzyc" is recognized by Poles.

English transliteration




1 songs with name mentions Bilozir

Твоя зоря

Серед мільйонів інших зір |
Зоря твоя, така прекрасна, |
Що носить ім'я Білозір! | (2)

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