The name 'Bilohist' does not have written confirmation in the form of a personal name. It is derived from the possessive name of the locality 'Bilohost', recorded in 1356 near the city of Lviv, as well as later variants such as 'Bilohoshcha' or even 'Bilohorcha'. The name 'Bilohist' originated from the combination of the adjective root 'bel-' (white) and the noun 'host' (foreigner, merchant, guest). The change from the final '-st' to '-shch' in the name of the locality 'Bilohosh' is due to the combination of the possessive suffix '-j' with the personal component of the name 'Bilohist'.The existence of names similar to 'Bilohist' is evidenced by Old Slavic names such as 'Bilohrud', 'Voihost', and 'Radogost'. Additionally, according to S. Roponda, two-part names with the prepositional component 'Bey-' belong to later forms. Among the analogs are Czech 'Veityg', Serbian 'Běloslav' and 'Běloslava', Polish 'Białowiąz', 'Białobok', and 'Białodziej', as well as the Russian 'Bělovolod'.In 1649, a Cossack of the Mirgorod Regiment named Bilohryts Korzov is mentioned.