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Name «Balota»


Dictionary meaning

Balota is a South Slavic masculine name derived from a root with a debated etymology "Bal," formed with the suffix "-ota," similar to names like Dobota, Lyubota, Milota, and others. All mentions of the name Balota date back to the 15th-16th centuries. Specifically, in 1418, in the town of Banya, it is mentioned: “…dъshi Stoyanova... sъ Balotoy... tyagali na vlada...”. In 1428, a nobleman named Ivan f. Balota is mentioned in the village of S. Vodyane. In 1432, there is a record: “… we esmy zhalovali nashi slugi, Balotu i Oanchu...,” referring to Suceava. In 1547, Balota Kozhich is mentioned. It is also worth noting the anthroponym Baluy Afanasievich.

English transliteration


