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Name «Askold»

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Dictionary meaning

Scandinavian name meaning "golden voice."

English pronunciation

To pronounce the Ukrainian name "Askold," follow these tips based on the sound of each letter:

1. Start with the letter "А" (a) which is pronounced like "ah" in “father.”
2. Next, say "с" (s) as in “sad.”
3. Follow with "к" (k) which sounds like "k" in “kit.”
4. Then add "о" (o) pronounced like "o" in “off.”
5. Lastly, finish with "лд" (ld) where "л" is pronounced like "l" in “lab” and "д" like "d" in “dog.”

Put together, "Askold" should sound like **"ah-s-kold."** The accent is typically on the second syllable, making it clear and distinct.

English transliteration


Patronymic Creation




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1 songs with name mentions Askold

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